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Playing Guitar for Money


Al lavoro del medico di famiglia

Grazie mille per aver supportato il mio lavoro

Le tue donazioni mi consentono di mantenere il costo di tutti i miei contenuti gratuiti o a basso costo, inclusi: ~ Il flusso dell'illuminazione Radio Show ~ Sunday Satsang ~ Meditazioni mattutine ~ Livestream privati nel mio gruppo Facebook ~ Corsi e workshop gratuiti ~

For One Time Donations or recurring donations I have an account on this clever site called Buy Me A Coffee.
It takes one time donations in increments of $5 USD
I also have an account on Patreon which is pretty much the big name but Patreon only handles recurring donations so you can't use it for a one time thing
In either case thank you, from the bottom of my heart
It takes quite a bit of effort to put out a steady stream of content and keep it free! You generosity makes all the difference
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